This product includes a memory panel that will accept the following third-party font and barcode memory
modules. Hewlett-Packard does not sell these products.
BarDIMM Pro, Jetmobile
MicrDIMM Pro, Jetmobile
TypeHaus Fonts and Barcodes Solutions, TypeHaus, Inc.
Asian Fonts, JITCO, Ltd.
BarDIMM® Box, Jetmobile
BarSIMM 1.9, Jetmobile
EIO Hard-Disk for LaserJet Series, Oberon Service SRL
Ethernet to Token Ring Router (ETRR), Ringdale
EuroForm Barcode 100, EuroForm A/S
Handling a memory module without wearing a grounded, antistatic device might damage the
module. Touch any metal part of the product or other grounded metal before touching the memory module.
142 Chapter 7 Manage and maintain